Nine simple steps to Score, Educate & Reward - flip the boxes!

1. Register & Login
2. OTP
3. Donation
4. Scoreboard
5. Choose Category
6. Privacy Scoring
7. Redeem Rewards
8. Refer a friend
9. Refer & Streaks
10. Redeem Rewards
Register & Login
Register & Login
Register & Login
Download the app from Appstore or Playstore. Register and Login using your mobile number.
One Time Password
One Time Password
One Time Password
One Time Password
Enter the OTP – One Time Password that you receive on the text message.
Your Favorite School District
Your Favorite School District
Your Favorite School District
Your Favorite School District
You can donate the reward amount to your favorite school district (or you can use it for yourself). Select your school district.
Your Scoreboard
Your Scoreboard
Your Scoreboard
Your Scoreboard
You will arrive at Scoreboard page: This page lets you know how you are – Scoring, Educating & getting Rewarded! ⦁ The upper chart section gives you details about your rewards in Scoring, Referrals, Streaks; it also shows you your total Hot Reward Amount! ⦁ The Next section shows your scoring, education level and rewards at the Logo category level. Keep an eye on expiring points! Redeem before they expire. ⦁ Any doubts? Click on ‘i’! ⦁ Bottom section is the main navigation of the app.
To Score - Choose Category
To Score - Choose Category
To Score - Choose Category
To Score - Choose Category
⦁ Click on ‘Score’ on the bottom navigation. ⦁ You will arrive at ‘To Score’ page. ⦁ Select your favorite logo category from the carousel or go with the default selection. ⦁ Click on the ‘Score First’ button..
Privacy Score Logo
Privacy Score Logo
Privacy Score Logo
⦁ On the category score page you will make your category logo privacy policy/terms of service list item choices to build your personal logo Privacy Score ⦁ You will start accumulating Privacy Score reward amounts. ⦁ Complete one logo to get reward points and you will be able to refer a friend!
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Your Rewards! Redeem your hot reward amount that you get by privacy scoring a category by using the ‘Redeem’ option on the bottom navigation. You have multiple options: ⦁ You can donate cash to your school district ⦁ You can redeem for a discounted/free gift card for yourself. ⦁ You can gift a gift card to your friend Choice is yours!
Refer a friend
Refer a friend
Refer a friend
Refer a friend
Refer your friends and family: ⦁ ‘Refer a friend’ button anywhere in the app takes you to the referral page which gives you personal referral code. ⦁ Click on ‘Share’ button to share this code with your friends and family. ⦁ This opens the sharable options through which you can send the text to your referrals. ⦁ We do not store their number until they register themselves. ⦁ So it is safe to share!
Refer and Create Streaks
Refer and Create Streaks
Refer and Create Streaks
Refer and Create Streaks
Once you score you can build your community by referrals and streaks. You get reward amount for referrals and streaks. ⦁ By using the referrals and streaks you will be educating your network and also rewarding yourself! ⦁ Click ‘Refer’ on the bottom navigation to arrive at the page which will give you info about how you are performing at each Logo category level.
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Redeem Your Rewards
Your Rewards! Redeem your hot reward amount that you get by referral and streaks by using the ‘Redeem’ option on the bottom navigation. You have multiple options: ⦁ You can donate cash to your school district ⦁ You can redeem for a discounted/free gift card for yourself. ⦁ You can gift a gift card to your friend Choice is yours!

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